8 SFM Aug 2016_high reg - page 26

August - 2016
he tested positive for. After the news broke out
about Lesnar’s results Mark Hunt, who recent-
ly lost to Lesnar, was outspoken regarding the
need for a fighter’s union. Now with the UFC
pulling fighters who haven’t even tested posi-
tive for banned substances, Hunt is betting his
call won’t fall on deaf ears.
A fighter’s association would provide a layer
of protection the fighters currently don’t have
against the UFC. For example the UFC is claim-
ing that it pulled Sullivan in order to conduct an
investigation into a “high risk” dietary supple-
ment which Sullivan was taking. The UFC claims
that this was the first time that Sullivan had de-
clared using the supplement while the fighter
claims otherwise.
“I did not fail a test,” Sullivan explained through
social media. “I was pulled from the card due to
a natural supplement being on my list of sup-
plements that I voluntarily disclosed to USADA.
This supplement has been on my list that I have
disclosed to both the UFC and USADA prior to
my previous fights.”
Whenever there’s a disagreement between a
fighter and the company you can bet on UFC
always coming out on top. They have all the re-
sources the fighters need and while the fight-
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