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December - 2014
But as good as the UFC is at making big
fights happen, we all need to come to re-
alize that a potential fight between UFC
women’s bantamweight champion Ronda
Rousey and former Strikeforce women’s
featherweight champion Cristiane “Cy-
borg” Justino is never going to happen.
Before you get your pitchforks and your
torches out to storm the UFC castle, real-
ize that it is not their fault this fight will
never happen. That blame falls squarely
on the shoulders of Rousey and Cyborg
and it all has to do with weight.
Rousey has stated on multiple occasions
that if she ever does fight Cyborg it is go-
ing to be at her preferred weight class of
135 pounds. It makes perfect sense, too,
because at 145 pounds Cyborg would
have a major size and strength advantage.
And as the UFC women’s bantamweight
champion, Rousey has earned the right to
compete in the division of her choosing.
Because of this, Cyborg has decided that
she will make the move to bantamweight
to challenge Rousey in her world, but
she has yet to make the weight. Cyborg
is a big, muscular 145 pound fighter and
shaving an extra 10 pounds off of her
frame could potentially be dangerous to
her health.
Unless Rousey suddenly changes her mind
on fighting Cyborg at 145, don’t ever ex-
pect this fight to actually happen.