November - 2014
Has Jason “Mayhem”
Miller Lost His Mind?
Article By: RJ Gardner
Jason “Mayhem” Miller has
always been a little out there,
a little off center, but his latest
actions have me questioning
whether or not Miller has com-
pletely lost his mind.
We all remember when Miller
live tweeted his standoff with
the Orange County Sheriff’s De-
partment two weeks ago, but
now Miller has started a cam-
paign on to
raise $2 million; to free his dog?
Reading the campaign page,
I truly have no idea what he
is raising money for. He talks
about the damage to his home;
damage that would not have
occurred if he just would have
surrendered to the police when
they first served him with the
warrant for his arrest. Then he
mentions freeing his dog and
then stated that any money
invested would be reinvested
in the art (MMA). Also, that
he would hire a camera crew
to document his turbulent ex-
What exactly is Miller trying to
accomplish here? I really want
to know because his erratic
behaviour has me questioning
whether or not he needs psy-
chiatric attention.
I understand he feels he is in-
nocent of the charges and not
knowing the specific details of
the case, I have no opinion on
that. But when the police show
up at your home to serve a war-
rant, and you proceed to go in-
side and barricade yourself in,
the police are going to come in
and get you with force.
Honestly, what did he expect?
No with this GoFundMe cam-
paign, I can’t help but feel like
he is asking his fans to help him
fix the damage to his home. Re-
ally? Am I way off base here?
In addition to that Miller is
looking to free his dog who es-
caped through a broken fence
as a result of the standoff. Free-
ing his dog is going to cost him
$400 yet, Miller felt the need
to request $2 million.
Miller just appears to have lost
touch with reality and hope-
fully he gets some help soon
as I think he is spinning out of
(Orange County Sheriff Department)