December - 2014
Please tell us about
your professional back-
ground and how Victory
Combat Sports came about?
I have been working in the
hospitality and food & bever-
age industries for fifteen years.
Until last year I was the Head of
Food & Beverage for the largest
private owner of hotels in New
York. Now my day-job is focus-
ing on just two projects - The
Plaza Hotel and Dream Down-
town (which I had worked in
my former position as well). In
my day-to-day life I focus on
how to improve on the guest
experience for a visitor to our
property staying the night,
getting a meal, or even just a
drink. With so many options in
New York City our guests could
be doing countless other things
in other places- but they chose
to spend their time with us in
our hotel rooms, restaurant,
or lounges. I value the choice
that they make, and strive to
provide them with the best ex-
perience I can. I want them to
feel genuinely appreciated. It is
from this philosophy that Vic-
tory was formed.
I have been involved in Mar-
tial Arts for nearly my entire
life and have found the treat-
ment of MMA athletes and
fans to be severely lacking (in
most cases). We strive to treat
our athletes and fans better.
Although it’s not deliberate,
most producers/promoters are
solely focused on the quality of
the fights going on in the ring.
At Victory we put as much (if
not more) energy into what
goes on outside of the ring as
we do on what goes on inside
of it, everything from the mu-
sic to the venue. To the extent
we can deliver within the limi-
tations of these venues, we will
have great food and drink as