SFM September 2015_high reg - page 8

September - 2015
and relying on the IV to re-
“On the last Ultimate Fight-
er, the fighter was water
loading,” said Giordano.
“He had to be taken away in
an ambulance. Luckily, they
said he did not have any per-
manent brain damage. That
is a side effect of it. If you
beat your body up and de-
hydrate your body, you can
have long-term injuries. Your
brain is not going to function
properly. It is just not healthy
and very dangerous.”
Some big names in MMA are
arguing that by banning IV’s,
someone would die because
of that. Giordano had some
interesting comments about
people who feel someone
will die because of the IV
“I am not going to mention
any names, but somebody
was very adamant about it,
that somebody was going
to die if they ban IVs,” said
Giordano. “Yes, if they ban
IV and you dehydrate your-
self, then do not rehydrate
yourself, you run the risk of
dying. I just feel that is very
dramatic when this is your
choice, you either move up
in weight, you either dehy-
drate yourself and the risk is
death, or you manage your
weight so you can make the
same weight. There are two
good options and one hor-
rible option. Yes, if you keep
promote extreme weight
cutting, you will see more
harm and damage than you
would from banning the IV.”
Very interesting comments,
but they are comments that
make sense. Giordano is try-
ing to get people to under-
stand that extreme weight
cutting is horrible for you
and that the IV ban will actu-
ally help more than it hurts.
Giordano also talked about
his program a little more and
why he is successful in man-
aging weight.
“My favorite quote when
guys are asked, what is
the key to getting people
healthy,” laughed Giordano.
“You got to eat organic and
eat whole foods they say.
Well guess what? Poison
ivy is organic and is a whole
food. Make a salad with
some poison ivy and let me
know how you make out.
You have to be more realis-
tic than that. That is why my
program is different and why
my success rate is so high.
The programs are tailor-
made. That is what makes
the difference. If you listen
to me, I will change your life.
You have my word on that.”
It may be hard to take some-
one’s word, but with Lou
Giordano, he is sincere and is
actually trying to help. Gior-
dano is rare because he does
not care about the money as
much as he cares about help-
ing the actual fighters. Gior-
dano talked about wanting
to help people.
“I made a joke the other
day,” laughed Giordano.
“I said I think I’m going to
block my Instagram. I put so
much stuff on there that you
could follow me and man-
age your own weight, but
that is how I am, man. That
is how I am, man; I just want
to help people. I do not do
what I do for the money.
That is why I am so adamant
on what I do because guys in
this industry; they only do it
for money. I am not going to
call out anybody, but it is the
reality of it. They do not care
about the fighters.”
With all that has been hap-
pening and with Giordano
pretty much becoming the
spokesperson for the side
that is happy with the IV
ban, Giordano talked about
his plans going forward.
“My plan is to make as much
noise as I can,” said Giorda-
no. “Once I am able to make
more noise, I will call people
out. At the end of the day it
is a fact-stating thing. Is what
you do good for people? Yes
or no? Answers the ques-
tion. It is really that simple.”
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