7 SFM July 2016 - page 35

July - 2016
and always pushing for
self-improvement. Push-
ing onward, Reding is far
from hanging up his ki-
mono as he hopes to con-
tinue his training, and also
help others improve their
lives through this practice
just as it has done for him.
When asked what advice
he could give to others in
their BJJ journey, Nick Red-
ing had this closing state-
ment to offer his readers.
“Face your fears, think
outside the box but don’t
re-invent the wheel, be
comfortable being un-
comfortable, invest in
your jiu-jitsu, and invest in
yourself,” Reding said.
“I have lived my life the
past few years off of these
mottos and I have grown
more than I could have
ever imagined. I apply all
of these not just to jiu-jit-
su, but my everyday life as
well; they both go hand
in hand. Keep moving for-
ward, and keep focusing
on your weaknesses. If
you are horrible on escap-
ing certain positions, then
start there, and then put
yourself there again when
you finally get out. It’s the
only way anyone will ever
improve and stay humble.
If you have an issue in life,
you don’t just turn your
back and walk away. The
issue will remain until it
is confronted,” Reding
said. “This will teach you
to face your fears in life,
learn from your mistakes,
and proceed moving for-
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