July - 2016
Article By: Monta Wiley
The MMA Corner
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu takes on
the form of many distinc-
tions defined by its partici-
pants. Some would say it
is a hobby, some charac-
terize it as a sport, while
others have discovered a
deeper context to its de-
sign. These individuals
view jiu-jitsu as a lifestyle
that serves as an instru-
ment to improving lives
on and off the mat.
Eighteen years engulfed in
the lifestyle, Nick Reding
can concur of the impact
Jiu-jitsu supplies. Uncover-
ing many rewards, BJJ not
only aided in Reding’s evo-
lution as a martial artist
but also assisted in shap-
ing his personal identity.
Reding’s journey has al-
ways centered on the mis-
sion of self-improvement
which all started back in
1998. With previous stud-
ies in other disciplines in
his home state of Texas,
Brazilian jiu-jitsu seemed to
be the untouched study of
his of martial arts venture.
Alongside his brother Mark
Reding, Nick began his BJJ
training under Megaton
Blue Belt (at the time) Jack
McVicker of Indiana.
In the late 90’s valuable
learning resources was
scarce. The highest rank
in that era was a blue belt
which was equivalent to a
black belt during the early
rise of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in
the United States. Dedi-