Nov SFM 2016_English_high reg - page 23

November - 2016
you the same thing: this is one
of the hardest working individ-
uals who continues to remain
consistent within his work eth-
ic, drive, and his willingness to
work with anyone while con-
tinuing to raise the bar. He has
taken an overlooked aspect
within our sport and made it
relevant, ushering warriors into
battle, cementing a gladiator’s
legacy through song and defin-
ing brands with the strum of
a guitar. His imaginative musi-
cality is limitless, spanning all
The year of 2015 in
particular was one that has re-
ally brought Rukus to a world
of expansion within a roller
coaster ride of hard work,
harder working relationships,
as well as personal hardships.
Rukus was contacted by an
sports music firm at the start of
2015 to collaborate on WSOF’s
theme song which would be
used to open their live events
on NBC Sports. All was well
and work was pushed through
quickly. Summer of 2015- Ru-
kus would be brought on as
the Music Supervisor for the
film “Fight Valley”, which stars
UFCs top women fighters, Mei-
sha Tate, Holly Holm and Cristi-
anne “Cyborg” Santos. Writer
and Director Rob Hawk would
reach out to Rukus as several in
MMA had suggested he would
do so once he announced the
The two would have a
great conversation and were
on the same page in regards to
how the music would be used
in the film. To which he would
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